Here's a look inside Learn How Music Works, Book 1
Contents: Basic Pitch Notation, Introduction to Rhythm Notation, The Major Scale - Key Signatures, Intervals, Minor Scales - Key Signatures, Basic Triads, Diatonic Triads - Major Keys, Diatonic Triads - Minor Keys, Modes, Pentatonic Scales, The Blues Scale, Seventh Chords, Diatonic Seventh Chords and Chord Inversions.
We have posted examples below for you to take a look at and try out.
Below, you will find the recordings for the Practice Examples on the left, recordings for the Projects in the middle, and the PDF's for the selected Lessons on the right.
Learn How Music Works
Lesson 1 and 9
Learn How Music Works
Lesson 1 and 9

Click here to download the pdf of Learn How Music Works, book 1, lesson 1 and 9.